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A polytree-based adaptive polygonal finite element method for multi-material topology optimization
This study presents a polytree-based adaptive methodology for multi-material topology optimization (MMTOP). Polytree data structure is introduced as a general recursive multi-level mesh that is automatically refined in processing based on error analysis. In order to resolve hanging nodes in element edges, the Wachspress coordinate is employed on a reference element before using a mapping scheme to obtain shape functions and their derivatives for any polygons. A new definition of filter radius is also proposed to improve the efficiency of filters and optimized results. The combination of polytree meshes and adaptive filters not only clarifies the interfaces between material phases (including void phase), but also decreases the computing time of the overall process in comparison to using the regular fine meshes. Several benchmark and practical problems are considered to show distinct features of the proposed method. © 2017 Elsevier B.V.