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ICAMS Graduate School for Scale-Bridging Materials Modelling

The development and application of scale-bridging simulation techniques in materials science requires interdisciplinary knowledge of diverse modelling methods on different length scales. A doctoral thesis is mostly highly specialized and it typically focuses on methods from one discipline and one length scale. It is our aim to broaden the knowledge of the doctoral candidates with respect to techniques applied on other length scales in order to facilitate the interdisciplinary scientific exchange with other researchers and the methodological handshake for passing data from one scale to another. The core of the programme is a lecture series, where the most important simulation methods for the corresponding length scales are introduced. Another focus is scientific exchange and team building, which is realized in joint PhD seminars and presentations on external conferences and workshops. The programme is complemented by non-subject specific and cross-disciplinary courses offered by the RUB Research School and by frequent Panel discussions on topics of interest to the students.

Please register to our Moodle course and stay tuned by sending an e-mail to gradschool@icams.rub.de
Course Director
Prof. Dr. Anna Grünebohm
E-Mail: gradschool@icams.rub.de