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Dr. Oleg Shchyglo
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
IC 02-507
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum
Tel.: +49 234 32 26761
E-Mail: oleg.shchyglo@rub.de
Phase transformations
Statistical thermodynamic simulation
Microscopic elasticity theory
- D. Nerella, M. Ali, H. Salama, O. Gülbay, et al.
Automated workflow for phase‐field simulations: Unveiling the impact of heat‐treatment parameters on bainitic microstructure in steel. Advanced Engineering Materials, n/a, 2400905, (2024) - I. Steinbach, M. Uddagiri, H. Salama, M. Ali, O. Shchyglo
Highly complex materials processes as understood by phase-field simulations: Additive manufacturing, bainitic transformation in steel and high-temperature creep of superalloys. MRS Bulletin, 49, 583–593, (2024) - H. Salama, M. Ali, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach
Phase-field simulation framework for modeling martensite and bainite formation in steel. Computational Materials Science, 241, 113033, (2024) - O. Shchyglo, M. Ali, H. Salama
Efficient finite strain elasticity solver for phase-field simulations. npj Computational Materials, 10, 52, (2024) - H. Jafarzadeh, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach
Multi-phase-field approach to fracture demonstrating the role of solid-solid interface energy on crack propagation. International Journal of Fracture, 245, 75-87, (2024) - M. Uddagiri, P. Antala, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach
Dendrite operating state in directional solidification of AlCu binary system: numerical benchmark test with the OpenPhase software. Physica Scripta, 98, 115014, (2023) - M. Uddagiri, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach, M. Tegeler
Solidification of the Ni-based superalloy CMSX-4 simulated with full complexity in 3-dimensions. Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 8, 1, (2023) - M. Uddagiri, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach, B. Wahlmann, C. Körner
Phase-field study of the history-effect of remelted microstructures on nucleation during additive manufacturing of Ni-based superalloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 54, 18, (2023) - M. Ali, O. Shchyglo, M. Stricker, I. Steinbach
Coherency loss marking the onset of degradation in high temperature creep of superalloys: phase-field simulation coupled to strain gradient crystal plasticity. Computational Materials Science, 220, 112069, (2023) - B. Bachmann, M. Müller, D. Britz, A. Durmaz, et al.
Efficient reconstruction of prior austenite grains in steel from etched light optical micrographs using deep learning and annotations from correlative microscopy. Frontiers in Materials, 9, 1033505, (2022) - J.-H. Kang, J. Park, K. Song, C.-S. Oh, et al.
Microstructure analyses and phase-field simulation of partially divorced eutectic solidification in hypoeutectic Mg-Al alloys. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 10, 1672-1679, (2022) - M. Sarhil, O. Shchyglo, D. Brands, I. Steinbach, J. Schröder
Martensitic transformation in a two-dimensional polycrystalline shape memory alloys using a multi-phase-field elasticity model based on pairwise rank-one convexified energies at small strain. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, 20, e202000200, (2021) - M. Ali, I. Lopez-Galilea, W. Amin, S. Gao, et al.
Effect of γ′ precipitate size on hardness and creep properties of Ni-base single crystal superalloys: experiment and simulation. Materialia, 12, 100692, (2020) - M. Ali, W. Amin, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach
45-degree rafting in Ni-based superalloys: a combined phase-field and strain gradient crystal plasticity study. International Journal of Plasticity, 128, 102659, (2020) - H. Salama, J. Kundin, O. Shchyglo, V. Mohles, et al.
Role of inclination dependence of grain boundary energy on the microstructure evolution during grain growth. Acta Materialia, 188, 641-651, (2020) - O. Shchyglo, G. Du, J. Engels, I. Steinbach
Phase-field simulation of martensite microstructure in low-carbon steel. Acta Materialia, 175, 415-425, (2019) - B. Ruttert, O. Horst, I. Lopez-Galilea, D. Langenkämper, et al.
Rejuvenation of single-crystal Ni-base superalloy turbine blades: Unlimited service life?. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 49, 4262–4273, (2018) - M. Tegeler, A. Monas, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach, F. Varnik
Effect of microstructure during dendritic solidification on melt flow: A phase-field lattice-Boltzmann study. Proceedings of the 6th Decennial International Conference on Solidification Processing, (2017) - M. Tegeler, O. Shchyglo, R. Darvishi Kamachali, A. Monas, et al.
Parallel multiphase field simulations with OpenPhase. Computer Physics Communications, 215, 173 - 187, (2017) - J. Görler, I. Lopez-Galilea, L. Mujica, O. Shchyglo, et al.
Topological phase inversion after long-term thermal exposure of nickel-base superalloys: Experiment and phase-field simulation. Acta Materialia, 124, 151-158, (2017) - J. Hiebeler, K. Khlopkov, O. Shchyglo, T. Pretorius, I. Steinbach
Modelling of flow behaviour and dynamic recrystallization during hot deformation of MS-W 1200 using the phase field framework. MATEC Web of Conferences, 80, 01003, (2016) - E. Borukhovich, G. Du, M. Stratmann, M. Boeff, et al.
Microstructure design of tempered martensite by atomistically informed full-field simulation: From quenching to fracture. Materials, 9, 673, (2016) - O. Shchyglo, T. Hammerschmidt, M. Čák, R. Drautz, I. Steinbach
Atomistically informed extended Gibbs energy description for phase-field simulation of tempering of martensitic steel. Materials, 9, 669, (2016) - J. Görler, S. Brinckmann, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach
Gamma-channel stabilization mechanism in Ni-base superalloys. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 95, 519-525, (2015) - A. Monas, P. Bloembergen, W. Dong, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach
Simulations of the eutectic transformations in the platinum–carbon system. International Journal of Thermophysics, 36, 3366-3383, (2015) - E. Borukhovich, P. Engels, J. Mosler, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach
Large deformation framework for phase-field simulations at the mesoscale. Computational Materials Science, 108, 367-373, (2015) - K. Bhogireddy, C. Hüter, J. Neugebauer, O. Shchyglo, et al.
From wetting to melting along grain boundaries using phase field and sharp interface methods. Computational Materials Science, 108, 293-300, (2015) - S. Gao, M. Rajendran, M. Fivel, A. Ma, et al.
Primary combination of phase-field and discrete dislocation dynamics methods for investigating athermal plastic deformation in various realistic Ni-base single crystal superalloy microstructures. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 23, 075003, (2015) - A. Monas, O. Shchyglo, S. Kim, C. Yim, et al.
Divorced eutectic solidification of Mg-Al alloys. JOM, 67, 1805-1811, (2015) - A. Monas, O. Shchyglo, D. Höche, M. Tegeler, I. Steinbach
Dual-scale phase-field simulation of Mg-Al alloy solidification. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 84, 012069, (2015) - M. Rajendran, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach
Large scale 3-D phase-field simulation of coarsening in Ni-base superalloys. MATEC Web of Conferences: EUROSUPERALLOYS 2014 – 2nd European Symposium on Superalloys and their Applications, 14, 11001, (2014) - J. Mosler, O. Shchyglo, H. Montazer Hojjat
A novel homogenization method for phase field approaches based on partial rank-one relaxation. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 68, 251-266, (2014) - E. Borukhovich, P. Engels, T. Böhlke, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach
Large strain elasto-plasticity for diffuse interface models. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 22, 034008, (2014) - R. Darvishi Kamachali, E. Borukhovich, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach
Solutal gradients in strained equilibrium. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 93, 680-687, (2013) - O. Shchyglo, U. Salman, A. Finel
Martensitic phase transformations in Ni–Ti-based shape memory alloys: The Landau theory. Acta Materialia, 60, 6784–6792, (2012) - I. Steinbach, O. Shchyglo
Phase-field modelling of microstructure evolution in solids: Perspectives and challenges. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 15, 87-92, (2011) - A. Udyansky, V. Bugaev, O. Shchyglo, H. Reichert, H. Dosch
Kinetic correlation effects in binary alloys. Physical Review B, 77, 052201, (2008) - I. B. Ramsteiner, O. Shchyglo, M. Mezger, A. Udyansky, et al.
Omega-like diffuse X-ray scattering in Ti-V caused by static lattice distortions. Acta Materialia, 56, 1298-1305, (2008) - O. Shchyglo, A. Díaz-Ortiz, A. Udyansky, V. N. Bugaev, et al.
Theory of size mismatched alloy systems: many-body Kanzaki forces. Journal of Pysics: Condensed Matter , 20, 045207,1-9, (2008) - M. Mezger, H. Reichert, I. B. Ramsteiner, A. Udyansky, et al.
Temperature and concentration dependence of the effective pair interaction parameters in Ni-Pd from high-energy x-ray diffuse scattering. Physical Review B, 73, 184206-1-14, (2006) - V. N. Bugaev, A. Udyansky, O. Shchyglo
Correlation correction algorithm for binary systems. Physical Review B, 74, 024202, (2006) - A. Udyansky, V. N. Bugaev, W. Schweika, O. Shchyglo, et al.
Analytical correlation correction of the chemical potential of solid solutions. Physical Review B, 71, 140201-1-4, (2005) - H. Reichert, A. Schöps, I. B. Ramsteiner, V. N. Bugaev, et al.
Competition between order and phase separation in Au-Ni. Physical Review Letters , 95, 235703, (2005) - O. Shchyglo, V. N. Bugaev, R. Drautz, A. Udyansky, et al.
Topological k-space refinement of the configurational energy of alloys. Physical Review B , 72, 140201 , (2005) - H. Reichert, O. Klein, V. N. Bugaev, O. Shchyglo, et al.
Absence of 2kF splitting in the diffuse scattering from Cu3Au at the (001) surface. Physical Review Letters, 90, 185504/1-4, (2003)
- 03.11.2022
Dhanunjaya Nerella, Muhammad Ali, Hesham Salama, Marvin Tegeler, et al.
iBain - Intelligent-data-guided process design for fatigue-resistant steel components with bainitic microstructure
Plattform MaterialDigital (PMD) Vollversammlung, Berlin, Germany - 28.06.2022
Ingo Steinbach, Oleg Shchyglo, Irina Roslyakova, Volker Mohles, et al.
Intelligent-data-guided process design for fatigue-resistant bainitic steel: iBain invited
The 8th International Conference on Solid-Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials, online event - 15.06.2021
Muhammad Ali, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Phase-field coupled strain gradient crystal plasticity model to study high temperature creep in Ni-based superalloys
15th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, online event - 06.05.2020
Hesham Salama, Katharina Marquardt, Julia Kundin, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
The role of grain boundary energy anisotropy on the grain size evolution during normal grain growth
European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly, online meeting - 24.07.2019
Hesham Salama, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
The effects of energy anisotropy on grain boundary characteristics during grain growth
The 4th International Symposium on Phase-Field Modelling in Materials Science, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany - 24.07.2019
Waseem Amin, Muhammad Ali, Oleg Shchyglo
Micromechanical modeling of metals using strain gradient plasticity-phase field method
The 4th International Symposium on Phase-Field Modelling in Materials Science, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany - 12.03.2019
Ingo Steinbach, Muhammad Ali, Johannes Görler, Oleg Shchyglo
Effect of diffusion and creep on rafting of Ni-base superalloys: a phase-field study in comparison to experiments invited
MINES ParisTech, Paris, France - 26.10.2018
Johannes Görler, Muhammad Ali, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Simulation of rafting and topological inversion in Ni-base superalloys invited
2018 KIM Fall Conference: Symposium on Microstructure Modeling of Materials, Daejeon, South Korea - 26.10.2018
Ingo Steinbach, Muhammad Ali, Oleg Shchyglo, Carolin Koerner
Stress-strain evolution during rapid solidification and self-tempering of additive manufactured Ni-base superalloys simulated by a mesoscopic phase-field model invited
2018 KIM Fall Conference: Symposium on Microstructure Modeling of Materials, Daejeon, South Korea - 27.06.2018
Oleg Shchyglo
10 years OpenPhase
10 Years ICAMS - International Symposium, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany - 25.06.2018
Liu Huo, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Magnetic phase-field coupling
10 Years ICAMS - International Symposium, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany - 25.06.2018
Marvin Tegeler, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Multi phase field load-balancing for parallel molecular dynamics simulations
10 Years ICAMS - International Symposium, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany - 26.07.2017
Alexander Monas, Oleg Shchyglo, Fathollah Varnik, Ingo Steinbach
Effect of melt flow on dendritic solidification: A phase-field study
6th Decennial International Conference on Solidification Processing, Beaumont Estate, Old Windsor, UK - 02.06.2016
Matthias Stratmann, Oleg Shchyglo, Lijun Zhang, Ingo Steinbach
Unifying the CALPHAD sublattice model and the phase-field model with finite interface dissipation invited
CALPHAD XLV, Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan - 13.10.2015
Alexander Monas, Oleg Shchyglo, Chang-Dong Yim, Ingo Steinbach
Phase-field simulation of Mg-Al alloy solidification
10th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and Their Applications, Jeju, South Korea - 23.09.2015
Oleg Shchyglo, Efim Borukhovich, Adam Gießmann, Philipp Engels, Ingo Steinbach
Phase-field model of solid state transformations with large deformation and plastic activity
Euromat 2015, Warsaw, Poland - 23.09.2015
Mohan Rajendran, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Phase-field study of the effect of creep on the rafts formation in Ni-base superalloys
Euromat 2015, Warsaw, Poland - 07.07.2015
Johannes Görler, Oleg Shchyglo, Steffen Brinckmann, Lais Mujica, et al.
Phase-field simulation of long-term aging in nickel-base superalloys invited
ESMC 2015, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain - 30.06.2015
Oleg Shchyglo, Mikhail Mikolaychuk, Ingo Steinbach
Stress-strain: Sensitive Gibbs energy formulation of alloys
PTM 2015: Solid Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials, Whistler, Canada - 24.06.2015
Alexander Monas, Oleg Shchyglo, D. Höche, Ingo Steinbach
Dual-scale phase-field simulation of Mg-Al alloy solidification
MCWASP XIV 2015, Awaji Island, Japan - 16.06.2015
Oleg Shchyglo
Stress-strain sensitive Gibbs energy of alloys
ICAMS Advanced Discussions 2015, Bochum, Germany - 26.05.2015
Matthias Stratmann, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Phase-field simulation of precipitation in Cr and Mn alloyed martensitic steels
2015 Bilateral Symposium of the Sino-German Cooperation Group Microstructure in Al Alloys & 1st Sino-German Symposium on Phase-Field Method and its Applications, Changsha, China - 11.12.2014
Siwen Gao, Mohan Rajendran, Marc Fivel, Anxin Ma, et al.
3D discrete dislocation dynamics study of plastic deformation in various Ni-base single crystal superalloy microstructures obtained by phase-field method
International Workshop on Dislocation Dynamics Simulations: Trends and Challenges Saclay, France - 02.10.2014
Alexander Monas, Oleg Shchyglo, Se Jong Kim, Chang-Dong Yim, et al.
Mg-Al alloy solidification with secondary phase precipitation invited
Symposium on Simulation of Phase Transformation and Microstructure Evolution of Materials, Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), Changwon, South Korea - 24.09.2014
Matthias Stratmann, Lijun Zhang, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Phase-field model with Gibbs energy formulation using the sublattice formalism
Materials Science and Engineering MSE, Darmstadt, Germany - 23.09.2014
Oleg Shchyglo, Efim Borukhovich, Philipp Engels, Alexander Monas, Ingo Steinbach
OpenPhase - the open source phase field simulation library
Material Science and Engineering MSE, Darmstadt, Germany - 23.09.2014
Marvin Tegeler, Oleg Shchyglo, Alexander Monas, Ingo Steinbach, Godehard Sutmann
Efficient parallelization of OpenPhase for massively parallel computers
Materials Science and Engineering MSE, Darmstadt, Germany - 15.09.2014
Mohan Rajendran, Siwen Gao, Anxin Ma, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
A meso-scale aproach to superalloys microstructure modeling
Modelling and simulation of superalloys, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany - 13.09.2014
Johannes Görler, Steffen Brinckmann, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Long-term aging and coherency effects in γ/γ′ forming superalloys
Modelling and simulation of superalloys Workshop, Bochum, Germany - 29.08.2014
Oleg Shchyglo, Efim Borukhovich, Philipp Engels, Alexander Monas, et al.
OpenPhase - the open source phase field simulation library
PFM 2014 - 3rd International symposium on phase-field method, State College, USA - 26.08.2014
Alexander Monas, Oleg Shchyglo, Damian Pawlik, D. Höche, Ingo Steinbach
Large scale simulations of Mg-Al alloy solidification using OpenPhase
PFM2014 - 3rd International Symposium on Phase-field Method, Penn State University, State College, USA - 04.06.2014
Matthias Stratmann, Lijun Zhang, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Phase-field simulation of precipitation using the CALPHAD sublattice approach and thermodynamic databases
Calphad XLIII, Changsha, China - 12.05.2014
Mohan Rajendran, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Large scale 3-D phase-field simulation of coarsening in Ni-base superalloys
French Riviera, Giens, France - 25.03.2014
Matthias Stratmann, Oleg Shchyglo, Lijun Zhang, Ingo Steinbach
Incorporating the CALPHAD sub-lattice approach of ordering into the phase-field model with finite interface dissipation
SiMiDe Spring School, Sundern, Germany - 17.03.2014
Philipp Engels, Efim Borukhovich, Oleg Shchyglo, Anxin Ma, et al.
Coupling crystal plasticity and phase-field methods
Winter School International Seminar on Process Chain Simulation and Related Topics, Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany - 11.11.2013
Mohan Rajendran, Siwen Gao, Anxin Ma, Alexander Hartmaier, et al.
Superalloys: microstructure evolution modelling and creep deformation
ICAMS Advanced Discussions, Bochum, Germany - 08.11.2013
Mohan Rajendran, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Large scale 3D phase-field simulation of γ ́ precipitation for coarsening in Ni-base superalloys
Materials Day, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany - 14.10.2013
Alexander Monas, P. Bloembergen, W. Dong, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Phase-field simulation of eutectic transformations in the platinum-carbon system
TEMPMEKO 2013, Madeira, Portugal - 08.10.2013
Matthias Stratmann, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Phase field simulation of vanadium carbide precipitation in micro-alloyed steel invited
Sino-German Cooperation Group "Microstructure in Al alloys" Bilateral Symposium 2013, Changsha, China - 07.10.2013
Oleg Shchyglo, Efim Borukhovich, Philipp Engels, Reza Darvishi Kamachali, et al.
OpenPhase - the open source library for phase field simulations
Sino-German Cooperation Group "Microstructure in Al alloys" Bilateral Symposium 2013, Changsha, China - 02.10.2013
Mohan Rajendran, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Phase-field simulation of microstructure evolution in Ni-Based superalloys
KIMS Academy Laboratory Workshop on Multiscale Modeling and Microstructure-based Simulation, Changwon, South Korea. - 02.10.2013
Alexander Monas, Damian Pawlik, Oleg Shchyglo, D. Höche, Ingo Steinbach
Phase-field simulation of Mg-Al alloy dendritic solidification invited
KIMS Academy Laboratory Workshop on Multiscale Modeling and Microstructure-based Simulation, Changwon, South Korea - 11.09.2013
Efim Borukhovich, Oleg Shchyglo, Ulrich Preiss, Ingo Steinbach
Modelling of electrode deformation caused by lithium intercalation
EUROMAT 2013, Sevilla, Spain - 09.09.2013
Alexander Monas, Oleg Shchyglo, P. Bloembergen, Ingo Steinbach
Phase field simulation of eutectic transformations in the Platinum-Carbon system
EUROMAT 2013, Sevilla, Spain - 07.05.2013
Efim Borukhovich, Nega Alemayehu, Hamid Hajiyani, Oleg Shchyglo, et al.
A DFT informed phase-field model for electrochemical systems
ICAMS² 2013, International Colloquium on Advanced Materials Simulation, Bochum, Germany - 07.05.2013
Oleg Shchyglo, Markus Gross, Ingo Steinbach, Fathollah Varnik
Multiscale modelling of solidification phenomena: the coupled phase field-fluctuating lattice Boltzmann method
ICAMS² 2013, International Colloquium on Advanced Materials Simulation, Bochum, Germany - 06.05.2013
Mohan Rajendran, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Large scale 3D phase-field simulation of γγ´ phase transformation in Ni-base superalloys
ICAMS²: International Colloquium on Advanced Materials Simulation, ICAMS, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany - 12.03.2013
Matthias Stratmann, Alexander Monas, Efim Borukhovich, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Phase-field simulation of vanadium carbide evolution in steel
SiMiDe Spring School, Bochum, Germany - 11.03.2013
Mohan Rajendran, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Cuboidal microstructure formation in Ni-base superalloys
SiMiDe Spring School, Bochum, Germany - 07.03.2013
Adam Gießmann, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Phase-field simulations of austenite decomposition
TMS 2013, San Antonio, USA - 06.03.2013
Dmitry Medvedev, Oleg Shchyglo, Fathollah Varnik, Ingo Steinbach
Combined phase field - Lattice Boltzmann simulation of dendritic solidification with fluid flow and solid particle motion
TMS 2013, San Antonio, USA - 05.03.2013
Oleg Shchyglo, Umut Salman, Alphonse Finel
Martensitic transformation in NiTi and NiTiCu shape-memory alloys: Lagrangian dynamics simulation
TMS 2013, San Antonio, USA - 16.01.2013
Efim Borukhovich, Oleg Shchyglo, Ulrich Preiss, Ingo Steinbach
Treatment of intercalation caused deformation of Li-ion electrodes with an advection approach
WeNDeLIB Workshop, Goslar, Germany - 12.12.2012
Mohan Rajendran, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Multi phase field simulation of coarsening in Ni-base superalloy
The fourth International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS 2012), IIT Hyderabad, India - 25.09.2012
Oleg Shchyglo, Mohan Rajendran, Ingo Steinbach
Phase-field modelling of γ-γ' microstructure evolution in Ni-base superalloys
MSE 2012, Darmstadt, Germany - 26.07.2012
Mohan Rajendran, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Phase-field simulation of microstructural evolution in Ni-base superalloys
Junior Euromat 2012, University of Lausanne, Switzerland - 13.07.2012
Ingo Steinbach, Oleg Shchyglo
Phase-field formulation for heterogeneous systems and its implementation into the OpenPhase library
8th European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC 2012 Graz, Austria - 14.09.2011
Adam Gießmann, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Prediction of the pearlite fraction using phase field simulations
EUROMAT 2011 - European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, Montpellier, France - 14.09.2011
Ekaterina Abramova, Dmitry Medvedev, Oleg Shchyglo, Ingo Steinbach
Trapping and anti-trapping of solutal atoms by diffuse interface in rapid solidification of alloys
EUROMAT 2011 - European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, Montpellier, France - 13.09.2011
Oleg Shchyglo, Dmitry Medvedev, Reza Darvishi Kamachali, Svyatoslav Gladkov, et al.
Multi-phase simulation toolkit OpenPhase for advanced microstructure evolution simulations
EUROMAT 2011 - European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, Montpellier, France - 12.09.2011
Oleg Shchyglo, Oguz Salman, Alphonse Finel
Martensitic transformations in NiTiCu shape memory alloy. Lagrangian dynamics simulation
EUROMAT 2011 - European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, Montpellier, France - 01.09.2011
Ingo Steinbach, Reza Darvishi Kamachali, Oleg Shchyglo
Diffusion of interstitials and voids in the strain field around precipitates invited
2nd International Conference on Materials Modelling, Paris, France