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- A. Riyahi khorasgani, I. Steinbach, B. Camin et al. A phase-field study to explore the nature of the morphological instability of Kirkendall voids in complex alloys. Scientific Reports, 14, 30489, (2024)
- A. Loew, H. Wang, T. Cerqueira et al. Training machine learning interatomic potentials for accurate phonon properties. Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 5, 045019, (2024)
- R. Shoghi, A. Hartmaier. A workflow-centric approach to generating FAIR data objects for computationally generated microstructure-sensitive mechanical data. Advanced Engineering Materials, tba, 2401876, (2024)
- X. Chen, X. Zheng, M. Pan et al. Effect of precipitation-free zone on fatigue properties in Al-7.02Mg-1.98Zn alloys: Crystal plasticity finite element analysis. Materials, 17, 5623, (2024)
- J. Schmidt, T. Cerqueira, A. Romero et al. Improving machine-learning models in materials science through large datasets. Materials Today Physics, 48, 101560, (2024)
- S. V. Sevlikar, G. M. Muralikrishna, D. Gaertner et al. Grain boundary diffusion and segregation of Cr in Ni S11(113)[110] bicrystals: Decoding the role of grain boundary defects. Acta Materialia, 278, 120229, (2024)
- T. Cerqueira, Y. Fang, I. Errea et al. Searching materials space for hydride superconductors at ambient pressure. Advanced Functional Materials, 34, 2404043, (2024)
- D. Nerella, M. Ali, H. Salama et al. Automated workflow for phase‐field simulations: Unveiling the impact of heat‐treatment parameters on bainitic microstructure in steel. Advanced Engineering Materials, n/a, 2400905, (2024)
- A. Egorov, A. Kraych, M. Mrovec et al. Core structure of dislocations in ordered ferromagnetic FeCo. Physical Review Materials, 8, 093604, (2024)
- O. Sen, R. Janisch. Crack configuration influence on fracture behavior and stress shielding: insights from molecular dynamics simulations. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 32, 065033, (2024)
- L. Hsu, F. Wendler, A. Grünebohm. Electric field direction dependence of the electrocaloric effect in BaTiO3. Physical Review Materials, 8, 094408, (2024)
- M. Uddagiri, M. Tegeler, I. Steinbach. Interface stabilization and propagation in phase field models of solidification: resolving the issue of large driving forces. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 32, 065034, (2024)
- V. Mohles, Y. Jiang, I. Steinbach et al. Microstructure based model for creep of single crystal superalloys in the high temperature and low stress creep regime. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 909, 146780, (2024)
- W. Luo, C. Gasper, S. Zhang et al. Non-basal plasticity in the μ-phase at room temperature. Acta Materialia, 277, 120202, (2024)
- A. Riyahi khorasgani, M. Younan, I. Steinbach et al. Phase-field modeling of kinetics of diffusive phase transformation in compositionally-graded Ni-based superalloys. Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, n/a, 1-13, (2024)
- M. Evans, J. Bergsma, A. Merkys et al. Developments and applications of the OPTIMADE API for materials discovery, design, and data exchange. Digital Discovery, 3, 1509–1533, (2024)
- A. Chauniyal, P. Thome, M. Stricker. Employing constrained nonnegative matrix factorization for microstructure segmentation. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 30, 712–723, (2024)
- H. Wang, T. Rauch, A. Tellez-Mora et al. Exploring flat-band properties in two-dimensional M3QX7 compounds. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 26, 21558–21567, (2024)
- H. Sajjad, T. Chudoba, A. Hartmaier et al. Inverse method to determine parameters for time-dependent and cyclic plastic material behavior from instrumented indentation tests. Materials, 17, 3938, (2024)
- A. Azócar Guzmán, R. Janisch. Effects of mechanical stress, chemical potential, and coverage on hydrogen solubility during hydrogen-enhanced decohesion of ferritic steel grain boundaries: A first-principles study. Physical Review Materials, 8, 073601, (2024)
- A. Nammalvar Raja Rajan, M. Krochmal, T. Wegener et al. Micro-macro modeling of tensile behavior of a friction stir welded hybrid joint of AlSi10Mg parts produced by powder bed fusion and casting. Welding in the World, 68, 1693-1705, (2024)
- M. Pan, X. Chen, M. He et al. Optimizing fatigue performance in gradient structural steels by manipulating the grain size gradient rate. Materials, 17, 3210, (2024)
- R. Shoghi, A. Hartmaier. A machine learning constitutive model for plasticity and strain hardening of polycrystalline metals based on data from micromechanical simulations. Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 5, 025008, (2024)
- J. dos Santos, S. Griesemer, N. Dupin et al. Applying the effective bond energy formalism (EBEF) to describe the sigma (σ) phase in the Co-Cr-Ni-Re system. Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 45, 330-357, (2024)
- S. Hamdani, S. Abdeslam, A. Hartmaier et al. Atomistic simulation of the influence of semi-coherent interfaces in the V/Fe bilayer system on plastic deformation during nanoindentation. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 32, 045012, (2024)
- M. Seifert, T. Rauch, M. Marques et al. Computational prediction and characterization of CuI-based ternary p-type transparent conductors. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 12, 8320–8333, (2024)
- W. Peeters, V. van Lange, A. Belabbes et al. Direct bandgap quantum wells in hexagonal Silicon Germanium. Nature Communications, 15, 5252, (2024)
- I. Steinbach, M. Uddagiri, H. Salama et al. Highly complex materials processes as understood by phase-field simulations: Additive manufacturing, bainitic transformation in steel and high-temperature creep of superalloys. MRS Bulletin, 49, 583–593, (2024)
- J. Kundin, A. Riyahi khorasgani, R. Schiedung et al. Modeling vacancy-induced porosity in compositionally-graded complex alloys. Acta Materialia, 271, 119905, (2024)
- Y. Cheng, G. Wang, Z. Qiu et al. Multi-physics simulation of non-equilibrium solidification in Ti-Nb alloy during selective laser melting. Acta Materialia, 272, 119923, (2024)
- J. Jacobs, H. Wang, M. Marques et al. Ruddlesden–Popper oxyfluorides La2Ni1–xCuxO3F2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1): Impact of the Ni/Cu ratio on the thermal stability and magnetic properties. Inorganic Chemistry, 63, 11317-11324, (2024)
- M. Stricker, D. Weygand. A model for physical dislocation transmission through grain boundaries and its implementation in a discrete dislocation dynamics tool. Journal of Materials Science: Materials Theory, 8, 12, (2024)
- L. Zhang, M. Stricker. MatNexus: A comprehensive text mining and analysis suite for materials discovery. SoftwareX, 26, 101654, (2024)
- H. Salama, M. Ali, O. Shchyglo et al. Phase-field simulation framework for modeling martensite and bainite formation in steel. Computational Materials Science, 241, 113033, (2024)
- S. Hamdani, S. Abdeslam, A. Hartmaier et al. Atomistic simulation of the influence of semi-coherent interfaces in the V/Fe bilayer system on plastic deformation during nanoindentation. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 32, 045012, (2024)
- S. Starikov, Petr Grigorev, R. Drautz et al. Large-scale atomistic simulation of diffusion in refractory metals and alloys. Physical Review Materials, 8, 043603, (2024)
- A. Nammalvar Raja Rajan, M. Krochmal, T. Wegener et al. Micro-macro modeling of tensile behavior of a friction stir welded hybrid joint of AlSi10Mg parts produced by powder bed fusion and casting. Welding in the World, 68, 1693–1705, (2024)
- J. Jacobs, H. Wang, M. Marques et al. Ruddlesden–Popper Oxyfluorides La2Ni1–xCuxO3F2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1): Impact of the Ni/Cu ratio on the structure. Inorganic Chemistry, 63, 6075–6081, (2024)
- S. Kunzmann, T. Hammerschmidt, G. Schierning et al. Ab initio study of transition paths between (meta)stable phases of Nb and Ta-substituted Nb. Physical Review Materials, 8, 033603, (2024)
- S. Li, L. Shi, Ji. Chen et al. Effect of hierarchical martensitic microstructures on the ductile-brittle transition behavior of friction stir welded reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 896, 146324, (2024)
- O. Shchyglo, M. Ali, H. Salama. Efficient finite strain elasticity solver for phase-field simulations. npj Computational Materials, 10, 52, (2024)
- C. Dethloff, K. Thieme, S. Selle et al. Ni‐alloyed copper iodide thin films: microstructural features and functional performance. physica status solidi (b), 261, 2300492, (2024)
- Y. Liang, G. Díaz Leines, R. Drautz et al. Structural transformations driven by local disorder at interfaces. Physical Review Materials, 8, 033402, (2024)
- J. Schmidt, A. Hartmaier. A texture-dependent yield criterion. 11th GAMM AG Data Workshop TU Dresden February 06/07, 2024, 18, (2024)
- R. Khachaturyan, Y. Yang, S. Teng et al. Microscopic insights on field induced switching and domain wall motion in orthorhombic ferroelectrics. Physical Review Materials, 8, 024403, (2024)
- H. Jafarzadeh, O. Shchyglo, I. Steinbach. Multi-phase-field approach to fracture demonstrating the role of solid-solid interface energy on crack propagation. International Journal of Fracture, 245, 75-87, (2024)
- R. Namdar, M. Khodsiani, H. Safari et al. Numerical study of convective heat transfer in static arrangements of particles with arbitrary shapes: A monolithic hybrid lattice Boltzmann-finite difference-phase field solver. Particuology, 85, 186-197, (2024)
- R. Shoghi, L. Morand, D. Helm et al. Optimizing machine learning yield functions using query-by-committee for support vector classification with a dynamic stopping criterion. Computational Mechanics, 73, 1-20, (2024)
- A. Sanna, T. Cerqueira, Y. Fang et al. Prediction of ambient pressure conventional superconductivity above 80 K in hydride compounds. npj Computational Materials, 10, 44, (2024)
- M. Khodsiani, R. Namdar, F. Varnik et al. Spatially resolved investigation of flame particle interaction in a two dimensional model packed bed. Particuology, 85, 167-185, (2024)
- S. Starikov, P. Grigorev, P. A.T. Olsson. Angular-dependent interatomic potential for large-scale atomistic simulation of W-Mo-Nb ternary alloys. Computational Materials Science, 233, 112734, (2024)
- I. Steinbach. Concept of introverted space: is multidimensional, extroverted space an illusion?. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 1, 1-8, (2024)
- B. Bian, S. Taheriniya, G. Muralikrishna et al. Coupling of alloy chemistry, diffusion and structure by grain boundary engineering in Ni–Cr–Fe. Acta Materialia, 264, 119602, (2024)
- J. Selisko, M. Amsler, T. Hammerschmidt et al. Extending the variational quantum eigensolver to finite temperatures. Quantum Science and Technology, 9, 015026, (2024)
- M. Rinaldi, M. Mrovec, A. Bochkarev et al. Non-collinear magnetic atomic cluster expansion for iron. npj Computational Materials, 10, 12, (2024)
- A. Subramanyam, J. Jenke, A. Ladines et al. Parametrization protocol and refinement strategies for accurate and transferable analytic bond-order potentials: Application to Re. Physical Review Materials, 8, 013803, (2024)
- K. Gao, W. Cui, J. Shi et al. Prediction of high- Tc superconductivity in ternary actinium beryllium hydrides at low pressure. Physical Review B, 109, 014501, (2024)
- T. Cerqueira, A. Sanna, M. Marques. Sampling the materials space for conventional superconducting compounds. Advanced Materials, 36, 2307085, (2024)
- A. Bezold, J. Vollhüter, N. Karpstein et al. Segregation-induced strength anomalies in complex single-crystalline superalloys. Communications Materials, 5, 8, (2024)